Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 3 - Robert Cunha, Systems Administrator

Today in Burlington, I learned that technology does not always work the way you want it to. Sometimes, you have those great weeks when everything works like its supposed to, while other days you spend pulling out whatever hair you have left. I guess that is to be expected when you are trying to be on the forefront, and always have the latest and greatest. The new version of software X, doesn't seem to play well with your current system, so what do you do? 

Fortunately, I am surrounded by extremely smart and creative people, and have access to online resources and communities, all willing to share their knowledge. As with most things in life, it’s not about knowing everything, but understanding it enough to ask the right questions and not being afraid to make a mistake. You might be surprised that sometimes “2 wrongs do make a right.”

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