Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 39 - Trevor Dorazio, Burlington High School Junior

My Statue Capture

123D Catch App

Just imagine, anything you can see can be made into a 3D object on your iPad. This is what the developers at Autodesk have been working on and putting out in the app 123D Catch. Along with several other 3D developing apps on the iPad by Autodesk, this one in particular is interesting because the user can actually take the pictures in order to create the 3D image.

The team at Autodesk has been trying to develop ways to more easily integrate everyday people into making complicated 3D designs, causing more people to go take that extra step into learning more about the industry and eventually go into business using such a technology as the interest and market for it grows. There is currently a version to download on a PC or Mac, an online version, and an app.

Using the app, I have captured and recreated some familiar objects such as, the lower library stairwell, the lower library yellow submarine, the pedestal outside the main lobby door and William Duffy’s statue inside the main door of the school. There is an in-app gallery to share and discover other peoples’ captures, as long as they decide to post them.

I shared my statue capture and the developers took it and put it in their “featured” section, a true honor to have the original artists find my capture appealing enough my capture enough to feature among all the other captures from the many people who post their own. As an extra feature, it is possible to print out your 3D capture from a 3D printer and have a physical model of what you created on your iPod, iPad or computer.

Autodesk’s Intro. to 123D Catch

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